Bringing together each of the beautiful humans featured in the first edition of Hi Omaha.

Hi Omaha and Dwell Dinner & Co. each share the same passion of bringing communities closer in a more intimate and personal way. It’s at the heart of what each of us do. Dwell Dinner has the amazing honor to be the “gatherer of people” for the Hi Omaha publication and this was just the first of many to come.

What is exactly is Hi Omaha? It is a friend, community, and print publication. A collection of untold stories, literature, and creative expression. The people behind it are  just like you, with hopes, dreams, and desires. Specifically we are photographers, writers, animators, event planners, gatherers and strategists looking to do what we do best in a city that we love.

What was this gathering all about? This first gathering was based off the first issue’s theme, heart. What is at the heart of what we do and how are we living wholeheartedly in our everyday lives? Hop on over to our piece all about Heart.

A lot of stories were told at this gathering. I wish I knew them all.  This dinner was unlike others in that we had 24 people around two long tables. But one moment stuck out to us all. One of the guests asked if he could say a few words, so he stood up to face all 23 of our curious faces. His family tradition has a way of thinking of not making friends, but making relationships. What we did that night was make new relationships. Relationship is often thought of as a significant other in a dating couple or partnership. But all friendships are really relationships. We are all trying to relate with others, find understanding, and to be understood.

friend. to be with. to challenge. to enjoy the presence of other. to laugh. to live. to talk of issues of the heart. to support at different times. to feel understood & to want to gain new understanding. relationship.

My hope is that each person left with their own thought, learning, or idea.

*Photos by Kimberly Dovi Photography.

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